Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Evaluation Questions: 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My product represents particular social groups through stereotypes and conventions that the social group representation may offer - specifically, my product features an 18 year old male who is on an indie record label and has recorded recorded two albums, plus two other males who are performing and recording artists, who are also fairly young males, whom of which I will discuss later in my answer.

Concerning the feature artist of my product, the 18 year old male has been represented positively regarding representation of late-teens/young adults. This is because Noah has got himself a recording contract with a small indie label and has recorded two albums at his age - whereas the opposite (negative) representation of this would be teenagers who drink alcohol, do drugs, get into trouble with the police, cause havoc, etc. whereas, my product promotes the positive representation of a singer-songwriter male who is making something of their life.

Furthermore, the other two artists in my magazine also have positive representations too, similarly to Noah's representation. Art Haire - the acoustic soloist also holds a positive representation due to not causing trouble instead of making music, which is often at least one of the representations that late teens/young adults possess as a general characteristic. The same is attached with Pete Moss' social group representation - being in a successful band, as compared to being in the media for the opposite story, a negative storyline, more likely in a newspaper, for example.

Not also is this a positive representation, but the fact that a young adult can have such a positive reflection on the more-or-less, if not, same age group as the artists, then this can also be a further positive representation of the artists.

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