Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Planning: Other Feature Ideas for the Front Cover

I have started to plan other features for the front cover that show what will be covered in the magazine.

The following are what I have added:
  1. The main feature name of the front cover artist and quote from the artist. The text I have added matches the magazine house font style and conforms to the black and white theme. I have used italics for the quote to make it stand out and give the text some relevance for quotation. 
  2. Footer news board - includes the text 'new exclusive photos' which is separated by the subsequent text 'Acoustic Madness' by a '|' which is common in magazine format.
  3. A festival logo that I found on the internet. However, for it to fit with the rest of the magazines house style, I had to make the background transparent, the text a different colour and the removal of a few unnecessary objects (stars and hearts), as you can see in comparison of the two images below

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